Having two sets of twins is just crazy. It's every bit as much work now that they're 9 1/2 and 11 as it was when they were 1 1/2 and 3. It's just a different kind of work. I do so love looking back at old blog posts from those long, crazy days when they were rambunctious toddlers. This one in particular cracked me up. It was posted almost exactly eight years ago, in November of 2006. "I have to tell you something funny Mallory said – you …
looking back
My worker bee, when she was wee.
Note: This post originally appeared on my original-but-now-defunct site, LaLaGirl, on this very date in 2007. When I happened upon it by accident today, I was overcome by a wave of nostalgia at the sight of my almost-9-year-old 3rd grader as a wee toddler, stacking paper towels higher than her head. And so I decided to share. Nikki putting the paper towels away., originally uploaded by lalagirl. The kids like to help me unload the …