I was cleaning up some stuff earlier and stumbled upon this apology note from my son from about a year ago, so he was 9 whenever this incident occurred! Still makes me giggle to myself. Life is f'ing hard sometimes, huh, kid? …
Doctor Who Custom Hand-Painted Shoes!
There is nothing more awesome to me than seeing little kids completely geek out over the things that they love. This is why I've always taken the crafty goodness WAY over the top with whatever my kids were into, going all the way back to the 90s when my adult daughter was a Powerpuff Girls-obsessed preschooler! I have painted SO many characters on SO many things, from Bubbles to Spongebob to DJ Lance Rock to Finn and Jake to Grumpy Cat. …
Pablo gets glasses!
today. 8:15 am: Paul asks Pablo what time it is. Pablo walks across the room to see the clock. Paul and I look at each other, like, can he not see the clock? And we never noticed this? 4:00 pm: Here are your new glasses, Pablo! Isn't seeing cool? …