Alternate title: how my teenager spent the worst Christmas of her life. So, I mentioned that my 17-year-old broke HER right leg, just a couple of weeks after I broke MY leg, and how it just added another level of fuckery to our already upside-down world. She broke the same bone that I did, although her fracture was just a vertical, hairline crack along the back of her leg. She was in tremendous pain, and spent almost two weeks lying on the …
Update on the Tibial Plateau Fracture
My last draft saved here was intended to be a holiday gift guide for teenagers of the internet, featuring lots of geeky t-shirts and stickers and jewelry. Yep. And here we are now, at the tail end of January. Time flies when you're lying around the house with a busted leg. Oh, wait - actually? Time doesn't fly at all. Time f'ing DRAGS, you guys! As of today, it has been 78 days since I took that spill down the stairs that resulted in my badly …
The view from my bed.
An update to my last post, where I detailed my unfortunate slip down the stairs. Turns out, I didn't tear my ACL - looks like I strained it severely, but didn't tear it. After an MRI and many days of excruciating pain, here is what I did to myself: Torn meniscus, severe ligament strain, avulsed ACL, and deep tibial plateau fracture. No wonder I'm in so much pain - I fractured my knee! Hopefully by Monday or Tuesday (which will mark two weeks …