I swear. You know, when I mentioned on Facebook that Pablo was having surgery, a friend of mine commented, "So when are they dedicating the Neiman wing at the hospital?" And it feels like we've just about financed that, after all the dang co-pays we've shelled out for this year! Yes, Pablo had minor surgery. He had a large bump on his finger for many months, just below the cuticle. It was starting to damage the nail bed, and it really …
So many fabulous burger places have popped up around Denver over the past few years - not that I would know from personal experience, since it is SO hard to take seven people out to eat, it seems like. But we had to try out Larkburger, after three separate people from three completely different circles of my life raved about their food in the span of a week. Verdict? Bomb ass food, man. Obviously, you come for the burgers. Their food is …
Naked Sim for Comic Con!
My oldest daughter is having the time of her life right now at Denver Comic Con, along with three of her friends. We spent next to nothing creating her costume, and it came out so cute! If you've ever played The Sims, you know they pixelate nudity in the game - and that's what she's dressed as: a naked Sim! Sounds like her costume is a hit - she just texted me that she's posed for over twenty photos! God bless the nerds. …