So Hungry

Mexican Ceviche Salad Recipe
For YEARS, I have intended to post this Mexican Ceviche Salad recipe – I only make it once a year or so, usually in the summer, so I guess I always make it and then forget about it for another year! The flavors are so fresh and delicious, almost everybody loves it. I say almost because it’s full of seafood…

Instant Pot White Chicken Chili
Here is a fabulous, easy recipe for Instant Pot White Chicken Chili. I freaking love my Instant Pot! I use it several times a week. It’s the first gadget I’ve ever owned that not only lived up to, but surpassed the hype. If you don’t have an Instant Pot yet, what are you waiting for? This is the one I…

Instant Pot – Chicken & Wild Rice Soup
I’ve been in such a soup mood lately! Most of my family’s soup favorites are super heavy, cream-laden, full of cheese and bacon and other amazing things, which is AWESOME, but sometimes you want something a little lighter. This soup is fantastic because it is super thick and hearty without the added fat and calories of cream. I based it…

Instant Pot Boiled Eggs – No Peeling!
You know those things you see kicking around Pinterest but never try? Well I tried this and it worked out so well! I was making my super awesome potato salad today which calls for 8 boiled eggs, peeled and chopped. Did you know you can just crack them in a bowl and put the whole bowl in your Instant Pot?…

Chicken Gnocchi Soup – Instant Pot
Yet another tried and true Neiman family favorite, adapted for the INSTANT POT ! My kids are obsessed with Chicken Gnocchi Soup – Instant Pot version or stovetop, it doesn’t even matter. My recipe has way more action than what you’ll find at Olive Garden – it’s totally packed with chicken, vegetables, and delicious gnocchi. It makes a hearty meal with…

Instant Pot Carnitas
You guys! I made my practically world-famous carnitas recipe yesterday IN MY INSTANT POT and it came out INCREDIBLY good. My Instant Pot Carnitas were even more tender and delicious than the traditional recipe, which involves simmering the meat on the stove for several hours. I had to do a rewrite of my original recipe to share with you, because…

Not Your Mama’s Potato Salad
I love potato salad, but I am super picky and I really only like my own. I don’t like any other potato salad. I might try a bite or two of somebody else’s, but I’m not like, “Damn, son, this is some amazing potato salad.” But when I eat my OWN potato salad, I say EXACTLY that, and I eat…

Chicken Enchilada Pasta
This is a super easy recipe that your family will LOVE! This chicken enchilada pasta uses stuff you probably already have in your pantry, and it comes together in about ten minutes. My husband affectionately refers to this as “white people Mexican food,” but he will still down a plateful of it in about a minute flat! Although I can…

Potato Chorizo Breakfast Tacos
I’ve eaten my share of chorizo and eggs over the years, especially when my mother-in-law lived with me and cooked my husband’s favorite comfort foods. Chorizo and POTATOES, though – this is some next level breakfast, you guys. My first experience with potato chorizo tacos was coming home from the bar at 2 in the morning many years ago! The…

Firecracker Saltines
If you’re looking for some bomb food for your next football party, you will be all over these: Firecracker Saltines! They’re so addictive, so tasty with beer, and one of the easiest recipes ever. In fact, I don’t even make them anymore. My kids do! Those who have been around the Pinterest ‘hood for a few years will probably recognize…

Enchilada Soup
Oooh, it’s finally feeling like FALL! Time to make some soup! This Enchilada Soup Recipe will warm your belly. This recipe came about when my best friend stopped eating gluten and my youngest daughter stopped eating meat. Disclaimer: this soup is neither 100% vegetarian nor gluten free, but it’s close enough for our purposes. We are all huge enchilada lovers…

Instant Magic Shell with Chocolate Chips
Okay, guess what? Tomorrow is National Chocolate Chip Day! I love me some chocolate chip cookies, but I wanted to share a super fast, super easy, super AWESOME recipe for something a little different! Magic Shell inspired ice cream topping! You know, the stuff that instantly freezes on ice cream, creating a hard shell of chocolatey goodness? YES. I’m going…

Lasagna Soup Recipe!
So, the truth is, I don’t even like Italian food very much. It’s never really been my thing, although my family will put away some spaghetti like nobody’s business. But you know I have MAD LOVE for soups, you guys! Big hearty stews, warm-up-your-tummy chowders, chicken noodle from a can – I love them all. And this soup turned out…

Cake Mix Cookies – Quick and Delicious!
About a year ago, I discovered the magic of CAKE MIX COOKIES. Cookie making can be an elaborate art form, but sometimes you want quick and dirty! I always have a few boxes of cake mix in my pantry, and whipping up couple dozen cookies takes no time at all when using a boxed mix. Here’s what you do: Open…

We have had a mostly mild winter in Denver this year, but right now, it is DUMPING snow outside! We have close to a foot and it’s still coming down like crazy. Will we have a snow day tomorrow? Maybe. Maybe not. We’re pretty tough here, and our roads are usually plowed out pretty well. We shall see! The children…

Amazeballs Chicken Enchiladas
Well, I don’t mean to brag, but these really are the best chicken enchiladas you’ll find outside of an authentic Mexican restaurant – these are legit! I first learned to make chicken enchiladas from a friend of mine who was a chef. Years later, I learned that my husband’s family made their red sauce almost the exact same way. So…

Crockpot Lasagna – an old favorite!
My house smells AMAZING right now! I love crockpot recipes, but I especially love the ones that only take a few hours to create magic. They’re perfect for when you have time in the afternoon to get dinner started before the kids get out of school. The evening comes together so smoothly, because dinner is already in the bag. Or,…

Broccoli Cheese Soup Recipe
My husband is a fiend for broccoli cheese soup, and his favorite is from Jason’s Deli. He always gets the Spud au Broc, which is a (no lie) FOOTBALL-SIZED baked potato smothered generously with broccoli cheese soup. We used to meet up there for lunch during our early dating days (d’aww) but haven’t been there regularly for quite a few…

Easy Candy Cane Fudge
Every year at Christmas, I gorge myself on Hershey’s Candy Cane Kisses until I basically hate myself. This year, I decided to try to duplicate that addictive taste by making easy Candy Cane Fudge. Success! This is AMAZEBALLS. I used the same Andes Peppermint Chips that I used for my Santa cookies a few weeks ago. They’res so yummy! The…

Baked Potato Soup
Here is a recipe I’ve been meaning to share for a minute: Baked Potato Soup. It’s been in the back of my mind for months now, just waiting for cool weather to creep in. Now that the air is crisp and the leaves are crunchy, it’s time to break out the soup recipes! Now, I don’t always make such broad…
Instant Pot

Instant Pot White Chicken Chili
Here is a fabulous, easy recipe for Instant Pot White Chicken Chili. I freaking love my Instant Pot! I use it several times a week. It’s the first gadget I’ve ever owned that not only lived up to, but surpassed the hype. If you don’t have an Instant Pot yet, what are you waiting for? This is the one I…

Instant Pot – Chicken & Wild Rice Soup
I’ve been in such a soup mood lately! Most of my family’s soup favorites are super heavy, cream-laden, full of cheese and bacon and other amazing things, which is AWESOME, but sometimes you want something a little lighter. This soup is fantastic because it is super thick and hearty without the added fat and calories of cream. I based it…

Instant Pot Boiled Eggs – No Peeling!
You know those things you see kicking around Pinterest but never try? Well I tried this and it worked out so well! I was making my super awesome potato salad today which calls for 8 boiled eggs, peeled and chopped. Did you know you can just crack them in a bowl and put the whole bowl in your Instant Pot?…

Chicken Gnocchi Soup – Instant Pot
Yet another tried and true Neiman family favorite, adapted for the INSTANT POT ! My kids are obsessed with Chicken Gnocchi Soup – Instant Pot version or stovetop, it doesn’t even matter. My recipe has way more action than what you’ll find at Olive Garden – it’s totally packed with chicken, vegetables, and delicious gnocchi. It makes a hearty meal with…

Instant Pot Carnitas
You guys! I made my practically world-famous carnitas recipe yesterday IN MY INSTANT POT and it came out INCREDIBLY good. My Instant Pot Carnitas were even more tender and delicious than the traditional recipe, which involves simmering the meat on the stove for several hours. I had to do a rewrite of my original recipe to share with you, because…
did this show below
did this show above

Pressure Cooker Instant Pot Tattoo Style Art MUG!
If you’re so crazy about your Instant Pot that you would consider getting a tattoo of it on your body, this art piece is for you. Available as t-shirts, stickers, spiral notebooks…

This is NOT a stock photo!
Stephanie Z
Stephanie Z

I loved the handwritten note!

Daughter almost peed herself laughing

the outcome was AMAZING. 100% would recommend.

The pin is fantastic!

perfect for me and my mama friend

Packaged with lots of care.
Tara F.
Tara F.

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Prayer Candles
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