Happy Thursday-before-Valentine’s Day! I’ve been busy busy, drawing lots and lots of little Valentiney pins – lots of naughty pins, some nerdy pins, some really hilarious pins! This set seemed to be the most popular, according to my non-scientific research: Old School Hip Hop-Inspired Valentine Pins! Check them out on my Insta, and pick yourself up a set!
Whew, now that I have all that self-promotion out of the way, here’s some other cool shit that caught my eye this week!
I had to share this pieces from Newsner because I get a little giddy every time I hear any song related to Pulp Fiction, also known as The Greatest Movie of All Time. This is Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, playing You Never Can Tell from the Jackrabbit Slim scene in Pulp Fiction, and basically pulling the song out of their asses completely!
Bruce started by trying a couple of different keys and consulting with his band. In front of a crowd of 45,000, “The Boss” was straining. Not even the band could hide their surprise, and I can’t even imagine how the promoters and organizers were feeling.
Then a few seconds later, Bruce and the band gave it a shot—and I need hardly mention that the performance was a smashing success.
My friend Colleen is the biggest Springsteen fan I know, so this made me smile and think of her, too!
Check out Budsies – they make custom stuffed animals out of ANY design – a kid’s drawing, a photograph of a person or pet, basically anything you can conceive of. How freaking cool is this?
That’s all for now, have a fab Valentine’s Day!