So, guess what happened at my house this week??? One of my kids got a permanent spacer thingy cemented into her mouth, after having a bunch of baby teeth yanked out a few weeks ago. The spacer is meant to preserve the spaces so that her grown-up teeth can grow right in. She was a little trouper through the whole thing, until we realized that she can no longer have gum, Laffy Taffy, caramel, gummy worms, Starbursts, Skittles, Mike & Ike’s, or any of the other Halloween candy she LOVES! What? Booooo! I wish I’d realized this sooner, as I definitely would have hooked her up with all her favorites last weekend so she could have gorged herself on them! #mommyfail In an act of solidarity, I told her I would give up all those candies too. We stand together as one!
Here’s a fun Halloween treat that won’t pull out your fillings or your retainer. Well, as long as you toss aside the stem, as it is made out of a Tootsie Roll. Oh, so close.
Booooo, healthy food. No, BOOOOOO, SPOOKY FUN SNACKS! Aren’t these jack-o-lantern oranges cute?
I think you can guess which one is my favorite. He’s the one with the face that matches my gloomy rainy day mood! It looks like he’s saying, “This is definitely not candy. Harumph.” Oh well. ORANGES ARE AWESOME. Healthy snacks are awesome!
Make your own, with oranges and Sharpies. The Tootsie Roll stems are glued in place with good ol’ peanut butter. Go crazy.