I love coloring all over anything, and when I saw these white sneakers while out shopping the other day, I snatched them right up! For some reason, it seems like my kids wear a popular shoe size, and I never find plain white canvas shoes to fit them. Booo! So, super happy to find a pair of size 4s just waiting for me to get crazy with my Tulip Fabric Markers!
My kids are on spring break right now and they have been up late watching TV and running around wild with their neighborhood friends and just generally creating noise and chaos like children do, except on SPRING BREAK LEVEL. So, I just hid away in my room last night, chillin’ with a cocktail and my fabric markers. No pictures happened of this process. Whoops!
But my shoes came out super cute! Here is Miss Mallory modeling them this morning!
I’m ready to make about five hundred more pairs of sneakers like these, because it’s so much fun! You should go make some, too. You can find Tulip Fabric Markers at Walmart, JoAnn, Michael’s, and lots of other places too!
Check out these other great projects too, and enter this fun giveaway!