I loooove birds, and I had it in my head to make something with a bird on it out of buttons. I ended up making a decorative pillow, and I am giddy about how cute it came out.
I have to be honest, here – during the process, I was starting to worry that it was going to be like one of those 3D pictures, where you have to stand back and squint to figure out what you’re supposed to be seeing. Especially once I got to the heart! I actually texted a picture to my daughter Kayley at work, asking if she could figure out what it was. Her answer, “It’s mostly heart shaped.” Okay, I can live with that.
So you see, I just hand-sketched a cute little bird shape and cut it out, then used the outline to draw the bird right onto my pillowcase in pencil. Then I used my favorite adhesive in the whole wide world, Aleene’s Fabric Fusion, which is essentially magic in a bottle, to glue lots and lots and lots of blue buttons on my pillow until it started to look like a bird.
Success! I love how it turned out. I love how it’s festive and heart-adorned for Valentine’s day, but cute enough to put out there any old time. And it matches my blog, sort of. Bonus.
I love projects that turn out sort of like I envisioned, especially when I just jump right in without much of a plan. That’s what makes creating things so fun and sort of therapeutic, dontcha think?
What are you making today?