And tonight wraps up weeks of spooky fun. First there was our neighborhood celebration, Spook Around the Lake! This was about a week earlier than usual, so I wasn’t finished with costumes yet. No worries, though. Pablo wore his turkey costume from last year, and he’s not in any of the group pics anyway, because he was just DONE with the crowds! After the kids circled the lake TWICE collecting candy, Pablo found a spot under a tree to sort his out, while the other kids joined in the costume contest and sack race. We have a fun neighborhood.
Denver Zombie Crawl was that same day, and I spent the morning doing makeup for Kayley and her friends. They looked awesome this year, as usual!
Next was Trunk-or-Treat at the kids’ school. Although I am pretty sure we were the crowd favorite, we didn’t win…
Still, everyone went completely coconuts over our Minecraft themed trunk. We spent days creating giant Zombie, Enderman, Creeper, and Ghast characters from the game Minecraft, and set up a projector from inside the vehicle that played a loop of a Minecraft-themed song and video. It was a Minecraft dance party! Unfortunately, I couldn’t get great pics with my iPhone. (Sad aside: my DSLR isn’t working! Boohoohoo!!)
And then, time for some adult fun…Pauly and I didn’t plan much for Halloween this year, so we didn’t have costumes ready. We brainstormed a little and threw around a few ideas, and ended up pulling together our FIRST COUPLE COSTUME EVER, in eleven years of being together: Cheech & Chong!
We got some laughs at the bars, but we were surprised at how few people among the bar crowd knew who we were. The people that recognized us LOVED our costumes, but we got a lot of confused looks as well. Mostly, people just wanted Paul to blaze up his giant doobie. That’s Denver for ya, though. Our reality check of the night happened when a cute 20-something girl asked us to pose for a picture so she could send it to her DAD. #sadtrombone We felt like parent chaperones at that point, I think.
We’ve also painted pumpkins…
And I painted my weenie, too!
And tonight is the big night…HALLOWEEN! Did I mention I made ALL of my kids’ costumes this year? My first foray into papier-mâché, and it was GROSS. But Pablo’s Mordecai head came out great! Lexi wanted to be Rainbow Dash from My Little Pony and I think hers came out spectacularly cute, even though I burned the f’ing shit out of my finger with the glue gun. You guys. I can’t even. I also have a pair from Adventure Time – Fiona and Marceline. I cannot get over Marceline’s big red boots – they were originally white leather, and appeared to be straight out of a Whitesnake video. Four bucks at the thrift shop plus a little red spray paint, and we were good to go! We have lots of plans to make our house scary for the trick-or-treaters! And my little ones are stoked about getting even more candy!
I’ll check in later, once I emerge from my candy coma. Happy Halloween!